Far-Far Shooter
Tehan-Tehan Wao'
4mm-0315 |
Never-Hears-No-To'hanni-sni Nah'on
SOLD Hiya $190.003mm-06-14 |
Flying Squirrel
Kinyan Hetka'la
4mm-0215 |
Ghost Feather
Wanagi Wiyaka |
Full Buckskin
outfit with Pendleton Wool Loincloth. Gun is 1853 Enfield minature -
metal. Antique bead necklace |
Hand dyed &
beaded pattern on dress and moccasins. She carries a braided horse
rope. |
Buckskin shirt and
Deer Suede skirt, fringed moccasin. Lots of beads |
MM 02-16 |
He wears a headress of
pheasant feathers and mink |
She has a beaded
Possible Bag for her catch and a leather net |
4mm-0415 |
Wolf Moon
4mm-0115 |
Red Horse
Sunkawakan |
$190.00 MM 01-16 |
Dress all beaded and
Breastplate of antique bugle beads |
Brain tan leggins,
leather loincloth, Deer Suede shirt, all beaded, antique bead
necklace, antler hair concho. |
Beaded leather
hairpiece with fox fur |
Rawhide shield with
mink & ermine trim, painted with Wolf head, Moon & hailstones |
Porcelain Doll
Redressed in handmade buckskin
JumpingFox- Psi'caTok'la
3mm-06-13 Descrip. below |
Standing Rock-
Ak'icita 'Inyan $225.00 3mm-06-11 |
Whistling Dove
I'jokiha Wak'inyela
Braintan dress,
antique beads,abalone shell trim. Leggin's & topknot are
sheared muskrat fur. She carries a painted rawhide dance fan.
$190.00 3mm-06-12 |
Beaded on
shirt & leggin's. Pendleton Wool double necktie and long loin cloth.
He carries a stone warclub. |
Extra long,
old style, beaded war shirt and leggin's. He carries a painted rawhide shield with
horse hair drop. |
( The
Traditional Name)
These dolls are
made to represent the beliefs of Tribes in three widely spaced
areas; Woodlands, Eastern Plains and Central Southeast. The only Tribe
for which I have direct testimony is the Absentee Shawnee.
The legend says, when created, each doll represents a person who has passed to the Otherworld,
who will recognize his or her own image. When you have chosen a doll, you
should dream of the person to whom it is linked. Many people have
recognized a
friend or relative doll at first sight.
The gender of
the doll seems not to reflect that of the linked person, more the
spirit or personality. A strong willed woman’s spirit may link to a
warrior doll or a man’s spirit to a feminine doll, showing creativity.
This is why the dolls have no
faces -- in
order to be open to all spirits.
I make no
guarantees. I only hope they are found pleasing and good company!
SparrowHawk - Creator Misty Mountain
Mountain Babies Story
Begun in 1985,
these dolls have become old friends. They have led to conversations
and quality time with two Tribal Chiefs and several Elders over the
years and have made me wonder which came first - the faceless Tribal
dolls or the Amish ones. Some things, you just can’t pin down the
cultural source. While we make several styles and sizes, we seem to
concentrate on the Secret People.
They have taken
on a life of their own.
Our dolls are
constructed all of leather except for stuffing, hardware and
occasional trim. They are 13” tall and have rotating arms and legs.
There will never be two alike. Each has a code number, comes with a registration
certificate and pictures for insurance purposes. The Secret People are
tagged with their name in both English and a Native American
They are not
suitable as toys due to small parts.
Dolls are not
child proof.
are display items only. We are not responsible if
they are misused in any way!
- Creator Misty Mountain Babies